Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Today I got a period now. I was not in good mood now too.

Last few hours ago at 8:30 pm, my hubby came home late because he just bought something after work. At 9 pm, my hubby has cooked spagetti with mushroom, ham and hotdogs for me. It was delicious!! I was very hungry while I was waiting for him to finish cooking spagetti. I ate a little bit chocolate biscuits but to my suprise, he throw empty packet inside the chocolate box and I asked him "was it you??!!!" I taught him don't throw anywhere la.. He is lazy listening to me!! Aiks... Hmph... Hmph....!!!!

His spagetti is better than yesterday.. I love to eat more mushrooms until I didn't let him to finish all mushrooms.. Hahaha... We watched animation series dvd - Golden Corda - Prima Passo while we were eating together. He always leave dirty plates on the sink and it was my turn to wash the plates!! He is so lazy doing wash the plates and pan too..!! Aiks... Hmph....!!!! I wanna kill him and also whack him too!!!! Haiz.... >.<

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