Monday, April 19, 2010


AT 11 AM TO 6 PM

I went to Ipoh by bus again this morning but i was alone because my hubby was not going there again and he wanted to save money from take a bus again and i got OKU that got discount. When i reached to bus stop at Tasek, my dad was not there at 10:40 am as well as i reached there. I hate to wait so long but no choice, i had to be patient again.

When i reached to my parents' house, my deaf frens were not there. Luckily they didnt arrive so early. I was waiting for them to pick me up at my parents' house for almost 1 hour ago. My mum gave me Elizabeth Arden toner and ginvera pimple cream. I asked her to cut my eyebrows to shape correctly. But suddenly, my mum asked me to return ginvera pimple cream back to her becuz she wanted to use it again. 

They finally reached to my house but suddenly, my deaf frens had car problem. I asked them to come to my house first and sit for a while. They were talking with my mum by using Cantonese and sign language about their daughter.

My mum asked my deaf frens to fetch me back to the house so that my dad has to take me back to the bus stop for going back to Sungai Siput after shopping. We went to Ipoh Parade together at 1 pm. We walked around shopping windows until reached to Mary Brown for having lunch together. Before reached to Mary Brown, I bought a cute blue handphone holder for their daughter. I ordered a fish burger with french fries & pepsi while they order porridge with pepsi drink.

After lunch, i went to Popular with them because they bought Science chinese book for their daughter. My deaf fren and i walked around while they searched the book at Popular. We went to the electric shop like TV , air cond , lap top , pc , etc.. At first, we went to Japan 100 shop but their daughter forgot to buy balm lip gloss and they made me to walk back again to Watson again. It made me and my deaf fren very tired already. Finally, we went to Japan 100 shop and i bought japan miso soup there. My deaf fren wanted to try it out. They bought a few things too there.

My deaf frens could fetch me back to Sungai Siput so that i had let my parents know that they fetch me back to Sungai Siput. Finally, we were on the way back to Sungai Siput before they go back to their hometown. I wanted to go to Maybank for banking in my supplier's A/C before they fetched me back to Sungai Siput.

Finally, I reached home at 6 pm and saw my hubby's hair really very messy.. Omg.. I almost forgot about my black hat at my parents' house!! Aiyoo.... I'm so careless la... I also forgot to say thank to my dad again.. Aiks....!!!! I had smsed my dad and said thanks to him already. Thanks God!!

That's all for now.

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