Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Yesterday, Wednesday at 8 pm - 9:30 pm
Sungai Siput, Perak.

Finally I got my commission money now!! Yipee!! I wanted to buy pasar malam food for myself & my hubby finally!! I went to maybank for bank in my customer's money into my supplier's bank a/c, went for shopping for a while and finally went to pasar malam with my hubby. I was excepted to buy white dumplings, groundnuts and kuih for my dinner but too bad, kuih stalls were not there again!!!! I was excepted to go to another street vendors - rockers sticks, small duck eggs sticks, many more so that I could eat but too bad, that vendor was not there again!!!! I didnt know why!!!! It was bad luck for me again!!!! I ended up bought nasi lemak, my favourite poppiah and mata kucing leong sui drinks for myself and my hubby too with my commission money at Pasar Malam, Sungai Siput.

My hubby cooked fried eggs with mushrooms and hot dogs for dinner. We ate together while we were watching Glowing Embers on ntv7 together. I felt my mouth very hot cuz I ate nasi lemak spice with small fish and groundnuts then I walked there to drink leong sui and went back to my place to eat again and over again.. Haiz....

Fried egg with mushrooms and hotdogs were quite nice la.. so so so okay la... My hubby will kill or pinch my face me if he read this blog la... Hahahaha....

That's all for now.

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