Sunday, April 18, 2010



I was so excited & happy until I couldn't able to sleep on last night. When I woke up at 1:30 pm, I asked my hubby whether he cook lunch already or not. He said finished so early already. I asked him to pour rice for me while I checked on FB. When I checked on FB, I ate fried rice with mushroom, eggs & hot dogs but my face turn sour & felt arrgghhhh non stop on 5 times already because my hubby dared to put too much salt on fried rice again!!!! My stomach was not feeling well and got upset until I got mad and was about to scold my hubby but I cannot stand it anymore.. I quickly went to the toilet due upset stomach ache already!!

After taking bath, I could stand with cold water. After bath, I was going to scold my hubby for putting too much salt but he was still laughing at all.. He was so playful and thought it was so funny!! Damm it.. After I got ready, I asked him to take bath now!!

When we both got ready to leave at 3 pm, we walked to the bus stop together for leaving to Ipoh. Luckily I got discount when I went inside the bus with him. It was a green color bus. We were on the way to Ipoh while he was feeling sleepy. Before we reached to Tasek, he asked me to miss call to my mum then my mum has called me back then he answered her and told her that we reached to Tasek already.

When we reached to Tasek, we went to across the road over another bus stop and waiting for my parents to take us go to their house. Alamak, I had noticed that my buttons was about to lose. I asked my mum whether got needles and threads or not? She said got them at home. Luckily she got them at her house. When we reached to their house, I quickly asked her about needles and threads.. I took 1 needle, 1 pink thread and sciscor while my hubby called me "quickly finish to sew my button..if not, we'd be late again.." I had responded to him that "ya la ya la..i know la.." I quickly sewed the button but too bad, pink thread cannot come out.. Aiks, I had no choice but to choose white thread!! Stupid pink thread didnt want to listen to me la!! Wuhuhuhuhu.......!! Finally, I almost finished to sew my button and felt it was tight to close the button when I put on my short pant!!

My dad bought lotion bottle for me in Penang while my mum gave me Youth Radiant Essence and Ginvera pimple cream. OMG, I forgot to say thank to my dad before I went to take bus with my hubby!! Finally, I went to Jaya Jusco with  my hubby together at 4:30 pm then I met my deaf fren Christina at KFC. She gave me 2 jambu guava fruit juice bottles while I asked her to give me potato wedges or not. She gave me a big chicken & potato wedges with mayanois and yellow mustard. Then I asked her to keep those fruit bottles for me until I came back to her at 7:30 pm.

I went to supermarket and watson with my hubby but suddenly I got upset stomach ache again. I went to inform my hubby that I wanted to go to the toilet and left him alone there at Watson. When I was about to come out from the toilet, I found out that my hubby was not there!! I thought I can walk around and supposed to read magazine at MPH bookstore while my hubby walk around in the downstairs.

When I received sms from my another deaf fren, I quickly replied sms back to her and told her that I was waiting in Nose shop for her. Then I almost finished to read magazine and I came out from MPH Bookstore. I was waiting for her to find me at Nose shop. When I saw them, my deaf fren wanted to meet my mum so that I asked her to follow me to my mum's house. When I reached there, too bad, my mum went out for karaoke already. My deaf fren had no chance to meet my mum at 7:30 pm. At 7:45 pm, my dad has called me and told me that he was about to take me and my hubby to the bus stop for going back to Sg. Siput.

I asked my dad to pick me up at the bus stop on tomorrow morning. My dad advised me to go home at 5 pm by bus on tomorrow because he is going out with my mum on tomorrow. My dad asked my hubby to let me know that I cannot walk across the road to wait for him at another bus stop on tomorrow because he scare there got many cars on the road and worried about my safety. I am supposed to say thank to my dad on tomorrow morning again when I will go to Ipoh alone by bus again because I got an appointment with my deaf frens.

Finally, we reached back to Sg. Siput at 8:30 pm by a bus. When we were on the way home, I gave KFC chicken to that Indian boss shop owner because he gave me orange kuih on last 2 days ago. We were walking home together and reached home at 9 pm finally.

That's all for now.

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